Unity and Purity

Sunday, 23 August 2015

MORE part 26: “Unity and Purity”

Acts 15:20, 29David Holt 


  1. God wants His church to be ___________________.


  1. Jesus wants us to be ________. Jn. 17
  2. Unity is a testimony to the ___________.    Jn. 13:34-35
  3. It helps us become more ____________ – like.  Eph. 4


  1. God wants His people to be ___________________ pure .


Sexuality is a biggie because:

  1. It is an area of great _________________.  1 Thess. 4; 1 Cor. 6
  2. Our sexuality is closely connected to our ________________.
  3. We all desire ___________ and closeness with another.
  4. God desires for us to ___________ Him in our sexuality.  1 Cor. 6
  5. It is a powerful testimony to a watching world.


God’s Purposes for sex:

  1. Pro-Creation.  Gen. 1-3
  2. Pleasure.  1 Cor. 6-7; Song of Solomon
  3. Intimacy.  1 Cor. 7


Why is sexual purity so important to God?

  1. Marriage is an earthly picture of Christ and the church and must be _____________________ in every way.  Eph. 5
  1. Our bodies are a _________________ of the Holy Spirit.  1 Cor. 6:13-20
  2. The consequences of sexual sin are many.
    1. Can send one to __________.  1 Cor. 6:9-11
    2. Can cause _________________ harm.  Rom. 1:26-27
    3. Wars against your _________.  1 Pe. 2:11
    4. Can open the door to _____________ activity.  1 Cor. 6:18-20
  3.  The blessings of sexual purity are greater.  1 Thess. 4:3-5
    1. Clear _______________.  Acts 24:16; Hebr. 10:22
    2. Greater closeness with your ____________.  1 Cor. 7
    3. Experience true __________ (vs. lust).  1 Cor. 13
    4. Greater ______________ health.
    5. Greater closeness with God.  Mt. 5:8; Ps 24; 1 Tim. 1:5; 2 Tim. 2:22

To hear more of my heart and journey as I walk by faith, go to pastordavidholt.blogspot.com

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