Word and Spirit: The Sermon Series

STONE BY STONE: Together We Build - Nehemiah PT 11-13

Sunday, 04 February 2018

"STONE BY STONE: Together We Build"

Speaker: Pr. David Holt

Main Readings: Nehemiah 11-13


“The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly” - Nehemiah 11-13; Pastor David Holt


  1.  The Good.  Neh. 11-12
    1. ________________ servants.  11:6, 8, 12-19


  1. ________________-based ministry.  11:1-12:26; 1 Cor. 12; 1 Pe. 4:10


  1. Dedication of the _________.  12:27-42


  1. Joy, joy, ___________.  12:40-43


  1. ________________ for leaders.  12:44-47


  1. The Bad.  Neh. 13



  1. The Ugly.  Neh. 13





Make War on Sin:

  1. ____________ house.


  1. Receive ___________.



To hear more of my heart and journey as I walk by faith, go to pastordavidholt.blogspot.com

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