Homosexuality and the Bible

Homosexuality and the Bible


1. Jesus came for the hurting and the needy. Luke 4:18-19



2. We are to love all people, regardless of their behavior. Luke 15:1-2



3. The Word of God must be our final standard of truth. 2 Tim. 3:16; Ps. 119:160



4. The act of homosexuality is sin.

a. God created man and woman to be in a monogamous relationship. Gen. 1-3; Mt. 19:4f; 1 Cor. 7



b. The sin of Sodom included homosexual acts. Gen. 19:4-8; 2 Peter 2:7; Jude 7



c. The Old Testament clearly calls homosexual acts outside of God’s will. Lev. 18:1, 22, 29; 20:1, 13



d. The New Testament clearly affirms the sin of homosexual behavior. 1 Cor. 6:9; 1 Tim. 1:8-10; Rom. 1:24-32



5. Forgiveness and healing is available to those who repent and call upon the Lord. Jn. 10:10; 1 Jn. 1:9; 1 Cor. 6:9-11; Jn. 8:1-11; Rom. 6



6. We must go out of our way to demonstrate love to the person, before we will ever be able to speak into their behavior. Rom. 2:4; Luke 15:1-2

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