Route 66: The Sermon Series

Divine Healing 2

Sunday, 14 June 2015

MORE part 18:  “Divine Healing 2”

Acts 9:32-43; Pastor David Holt


What is our part in healing?    (Jas. 5:14-16)

a.      ____________.  Ps. 66:18


b.  Ask.  Jn. 16:24; Jas. 4:2; Mt. 7:7


c.  _____________.  (Lu. 8:48; 17:5,19; 18:42)


What is faith?

1.   Believing God’s ____________.  Rom. 10:17

2.   Trusting God to do what is not currently ___________.  Hebr. 11:1

3.   Looking past the presenting challenge to God’s __________.  Rom. 4:19

4.   Taking some kind of _________. Jas. 2:26; Hebr. 11

5.   Maintaining an _____________ perspective, even if we don’t receive.  Hebr. 11:13

6.   Holding fast to God no ______________ what.  Job 13:15



1.   Divine healing does not exclude _______________.  Luke/Acts


2.   Sometimes healing is _____________________.  Mk. 8:24


3.   Sometimes healing doesn’t come until the ____________ issues are addressed.

Mt. 18:34




4.   __________, rather than healing, should be the ultimate goal.


5.   We must be ___________-led when ministering to others. Acts 3:6; 9:40


6.   For the Christ-follower, ____________ is ultimate healing. Phil. 1:21; Rev. 20-21


To hear more of my heart and journey as I walk by faith, go to

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