Word and Spirit: The Sermon Series
Missions, Demons, and More
MORE part 22: “Missions, Demons, and More”
Acts 13; David Holt
Sermon Notes: PDF Notes
- The ______________ is our mission field. v. 1-3 (Mt. 28:18-20; Acts 1:8; 2 Cor. 5)
- The ______________ is our enemy. v. 4-12 (Eph. 6; Jas. 4:7; 1 Pe. 5:8-9; Jn. 10:10)
2 Cor. 2:11
- The _____________ is our power source. v. 2, 4, 9, 52
- The _____________ is our authority. v. 13-52 (Ps. 2:7; Isa. 55:3; Ps. 16:19; Hab. 1:5)
Luke 24:44
Acts 13:48
Questions for family and small group discussion: Am I willing to go wherever God calls me?
What can I do here to reach the world for Christ? Where is Satan at work around me? Am I asking
God to fill me with His Spirit? How important is the Word of God to me? How do I use the Word?